Accommodation request
Have you been tested or diagnosed as having a disability?
If yes, when?
Please describe disability
Did you receive services in high school?
If yes, please explain the type of services that you received.
Have you attended an educational institution beyond high school?
If yes, Name of Institution
Did you receive services?
If yes, Please explain the type of services that you received.
In a brief paragraph, give a narrative about your experience relating to your disability, and share your expectations. This will allow us to assist you as we move forward, and it is important to understand your goals for the upcoming year.
Please upload any supporting documentation that pertains to accommodations and your disability.
File attachments associated with the ticket.
Enter your student ID number.
Student Modality
Student Modality
Enter your Lindenwood email address.
First name
Last Name
Please enter your contact phone number.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code